Must Read: Physiological Changes of Older Adults

We recently shared an infographic created by the arts health network on the benefits of participating in creative aging activities. Today we would like to share some more data from the National Centre for Creative Aging on the physiological changes practitioners and family members should be aware of when designing activities to engage in with […]

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Engaging Seniors in Artistic Activities – A Case Study

*Scroll Down for Pictures and Tips!* Hello! My name is Alice Lam and I am a Board Member of the Creative Aging Calgary Society. For the past three years I have been volunteering as a companion for a group of non-English speaking Seniors in Chinatown. They are an energetic group in their 80s and 90s, […]

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Must See: Flight Risk at Lunchbox Theater

We were recently contacted by the Lunchbox Theater to tell us about their latest play, Flight Risk, with performances from October 23 – November 11, 2017. Flight risk explores the interesting and codependent relationship between seniors and their non-familial caregivers. This play explores the themes of aging, and youth, and shares experiences from the lives […]

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MUST READ: Can Creative Activity Counteract the Stigma of Dementia?

Individuals living with dementia are often isolated and the diagnosis hidden because of the stigma and fear associated with their diagnosis. The belief that nothing can be done to help a person living with dementia adds to feelings of frustration and hopelessness. Arts participation has the potential to break down the isolation and reduce social […]

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Touch Quilts for Dementia Resources

Hello everybody! Thank you to all of you who came to our AGM and Touch Quilts showcase at the United Active Living Fishcreek Facility. Thank you to our gracious hosts for allowing us to have the event in their space. Dr. Sharon Moore gave a wonderful presentation on her Touch Quilts for Dementia research project. […]

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