In October 2018, the Alzheimer Society of Calgary officially became the first facility to offer Opening Minds through Art training in Canada. Traditionally, facilities working with seniors would have to go to the states to receive this training, which was cost prohibitive.

People who work with seniors are now able to take this program right here in Calgary. The program seeks to teach practitioners who work with older adults diagnosed with Alzheimer’s the skills needed to facilitate an art therapy program appropriate for their lifestyle.

The Alzheimer Society of Calgary is no stranger to the program as they have been running a successful Opening Minds through Art or OMA program for the last four years. They were getting calls from other facilities and day programs in Calgary wanting to learn how to offer the program.

Since it opened to the public for training in Calgary, 24 facilitators across Alberta have received this much-needed training. One of the guiding principals so important to the success of the OMA program is to allow people with dementia to regain autonomy. They are given choice to take control of the certain situation which in turns help them feel more independent. They can choose colour, medium, type of artwork. It is liberating for the individual and soothing.

The Alzheimer Society is planning on holding another training session next Spring and is hoping to bring to attract dementia care givers from not just within Alberta but from across the country.

Article adapted from Global News

Click here to find out more about the OMA program.


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