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- As an interested individual or professional leader, collaboratively celebrate and appreciate of the importance of arts and aging
- Network with individuals actively engaged or interested in creative expression and aging programs
- Explore how to design, implement, market, support, evaluate, and sustain arts and aging programs for older adults
- Engage in and experience examples of arts-based programs and services in and around Calgary
- Advocate for and discuss the benefits of professionally conducted, participatory arts and aging programs and why it is necessary to reach out to many stakeholders (artisans, elected officials, funders, partners, and policymakers)
- Receive an informative newsletter four times per year (advertisement opportunities available at reduced prices for members)
Marketing and Media
- Obtain the opportunity to participate in media promotions
- Access first rights to sponsorship opportunities for events
Member Association
- Shape and guide the association by joining a committee or volunteering
- Full voting rights and eligibility for election to the Board of Directors
Become a Member,
it’s Free!
Enter Your email below.